Pogo Progress.


Pogo Progress enhances educators’ performance and supports pupil progress. By consolidating and streamlining assessment, reporting and home-learning requirements. Pogo Progress facilitates targeted teaching and above-average progress.
Personalise curriculums to meet your students’ needs and benefit from instant access to all the desired data analytics. Pogo Progress is the complete formative and summative assessment programme for schools and seamlessly connects the EYFS with KS1 and KS2. 
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Early Years Foundation Stage.

Express. Assess. Progress. Report.

Pogo Progress is a child-centred assessment tool created by EYFS practitioners. Pogo Progress has carefully formulated and streamlined the daily tasks you complete while guiding and nurturing your class on their learning journey. Quickly capture, assess, track and reflect on each child’s progress. Attach WOW moments at key milestones and notable achievements to contribute to their own printed learning journal and inform your reporting to your students’ parents with efficiency and accuracy.

Enhance your setting’s assessment monitoring with a product designed for EYFS practitioners, by EYFS practitioners. Pogo Progress will improve your team’s productivity through our time-saving and intelligent processes. We have carefully reviewed the daily practices of EYFS practitioners and streamlined their daily actions, presented in an engaging, intuitive user interface. Our intelligent and well-presented data systems allow for quick and easy analysis, giving school leaders oversight of their settings, the children’s progress and practitioners’ performances. 

EYFS Settings
  • Streamline the observation process
  • Create and sell learning journal books to subsidise your Pogo subscription
  • Book and host online or in-person parent-teacher meetings
  • Improve efficiency and assessment accuracy
  • Reduce workload and enhance practitioners’ wellbeing
  • Quickly access intelligent and flexible data analysis
  • Offer a parent portal
  • Easily present progress data reports to governors, local authorities, ISI and Ofsted
  • Share newsletters and broadcast communication

Supporting Schools.

Assess. Analyse. Achieve.

Pogo Progress is an impressive and flexible system that consolidates and streamlines a school’s primary academic objectives. Pogo Progress supports schools in identifying strengths and gaps in students’ learning with the goal of enhancing student progress. Pogo’s intelligent data analysis system and user-friendly interface allow schools to compare, contrast and present data from weekly, termly, or annual summative assessments. Enhance daily formative assessments and curriculum tracking into meaningful data to support curriculum coverage and students’ targets. 

Consolidate your software portfolio and streamline your assessment monitoring, tracking and reporting. Pogo Progress allows your teachers to complete quick, daily formative assessments against your learning objectives, creating meaningful data from their daily observations and marking. Store, monitor and analyse your school’s summative assessment and performance data. Let Pogo Progress present the outstanding progress in your school.

  • Consolidate software subscriptions and reduce excessive software spending
  • Benefit from Pogo’s comprehensive features
  • Admin portal to reduce additional work for teachers
  • Organise parent meetings via our online booking functionality
  • Conduct online or in-person parent-teacher meetings on Pogo
  • Intelligent and flexible data analysis tailored to each school’s needs
  • Consistent curriculum coverage tracking
  • Clearly identify areas to develop for year groups, classes, support groups and individuals
  • Compose, edit, review and publish progress reports
  • Future-proof and digitise your school’s assessments, online assignments and report writing
  • Present progress data reports to governors, ISI and Ofsted without having to use spreadsheets

Supporting SCITT Providers.

Guide. Assess. Progress. Independnce.

Pogo Progress SCITT significantly enhances the performance of trainee teachers and supports their journey toward becoming qualified educators. By consolidating and streamlining all training and assessment requirements, Pogo Progress SCITT facilitates targeted professional development and above-average progress in teaching skills. Pogo Progress supports SCITT providers in meeting Ofsted standards, ensuring that training programmes are consistently high-quality and effective. 

Pogo Progress SCITT significantly enhances the performance of trainee teachers and supports their journey toward becoming qualified educators. By consolidating and streamlining all training and assessment requirements, Pogo Progress SCITT facilitates targeted professional development and above-average progress in teaching skills. Pogo Progress supports SCITT providers in meeting Ofsted standards, ensuring that training programmes are consistently high-quality and effective. 

SCITT Providers 
  • Easily record all forms of trainee assessment.  
  • Build training modules tailored to your trainees’ specific needs
  • Make and evidence clear progress against your curriculum
  • Set and mark student’s assignments through
  • Student manages their online evidence journal
  • Upload and manage bespoke curriculums
  • Share important files with the users
  • Easy oversight of the whole SCITT
  • Complete lesson observations through our unique functionality
  • Assess and record progress against each training objective effortlessly
  • Manage and host hybrid mentor-trainee meetings effectively
  • Eliminate the need to format spreadsheets and excessive paperwork
  • Track trainees’ attendance and attainment
POGO has been amazing for us – it has helped our organisation, communication, teaching standards and encouraged growth.
Clare Thomson, Headway Tutors